Sexy is not a size


What is #sexyisnotasize all about?

I am not promoting a unhealthy lifestyle, I am encouraging acceptance.  When you accept yourself from within, guess what... you accept yourself on the outside as well.  You start to feel better about yourself, you take time for yourself, mental and physical changes ultimately start to evolve all around you. 

Boudoir is all about taking that step to feel beautiful and sexy.  Beauty does not have a definition nor a size.  I have had countless clients tell me how beautiful they feel after a session, how they started wearing makeup again, taking care of themselves, their sex drive has increased....they all had one thing in common, life had gotten in the way, and they needed to be reminded that they are beautiful. When we compare ourselves to one another,  we are discounting our own self worth. 

Why am I creating this campaign?

I want women to feel beautiful.  I want the women on my page to be women you can relate to.  Mothers, Grandmothers, Professionals, Heavy, Thin, Tattooed, Girl Next Door, Transgender, gay/lesbian, all walks of life, all shapes, sizes & colors...

Remember ladies, #sexyisnotasize and does not have a definition.  Acceptance that we are "imperfectly perfect". Once we embrace our inner beauty, we fall in love with our outer beauty.

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